Skydiver, Felix Baumgartner, near Roswell, New Mexico. 跳傘運動員

jumps from 18 miles up

Photograph by: Jay Nemeth, Red Bull Via Getty Images , The Associated Press
Felix Baumgartner: Skydiver Fearless Felix leaps from 18 MILES above the Earth | Mail Online
July 26, 2012 « Day in Photos
Red Bull Stratos: what it takes to jump from the edge of space… | Ping Dubai
Austrian plummets 18 miles to Earth
Parachutist Felix Baumgartner leaps from 18 miles up to prepare for record 23 mile jump - Americas - World - The Independent
Skydiver Fearless Felix jumps from 18 miles up |
Picture of the Day: Felix Baumgartner Jumps From 71,580 Feet