Clara Ma, Curiosity, NASA's Mars rover Curiosity. 馬天琪, 好奇, NASA好奇號探測車

Clara Ma, winner of the Mars Science Laboratory naming contest for NASA's Mars rover Curiosity.
馬天琪, 贏得火星科學實驗室 NASA好奇號探測車命名比賽(2009)
'Curiosity,' Meet Clara - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
(AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)
Curiosity Lands on Mars - In Focus - The Atlantic
Mars Science Laboratory - Latest news, videos, and information
Star Shots | Aug. 4th, 2012 - Photo Gallery -
Image: NASA/JPL-Caltech
3Q: The next Mars rover’s destination - MIT News Office

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中英文刻車上 華裔女火星留名_星島日報_加拿大多倫多中文新聞網。 Canada Toronto Chinese newspaper
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