69th Venice Film Festival in Venice September 8, 2012. REUTERS/Tony Gentile
South Korean director Kim Ki-duk holds the Golden Lion prize for best movie " Pieta " next to South Korean actress Jo Min-soo at the 69th Venice Film Festival in Venice September 8, 2012. REUTERS/Tony Gentile
South Korean director Kim Ki-duk arrive on the red carpet prior to the Award Ceremony at the 69th Venice Film Festival in Venice September 8, 2012. REUTERS/Tony Gentile
South Korea - Latest news, videos, and information http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/33097624/ns/world_news
NUOVO CINEMA LOCATELLI | Ricorderemo il mondo attraverso il cinema – Lav Diaz http://luigilocatelli.wordpress.com/
Winds of crisis blows through Venice film festival | Entertainment News – InterAksyon.com http://www.interaksyon.com/entertainment/winds-of-crisis-blows-through-venice-film-festival/
pieta | INSIDEART http://www.insideart.eu/2012/09/05/festival-di-venezia/pieta/
BBC中文網 - 簡要新聞 - 韓國導演奪威尼斯電影節最高獎 http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/trad/rolling_news/2012/09/120908_venice_film.shtml
《Pieta》批資本主義贏十分鐘掌聲 - 香港文匯報 http://n.yam.com/gamme/otaku/20120906/20120906784628.html
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